Friday 27 December 2013

#4 过客


"在家靠父母,出外靠朋友" 这句话,几乎在我们当年的纪念册里是常客。对于从小就和家人感情不是很好 再加上小学以后就离家到别处上中学的我,"朋友"就是我的全部,"朋友"就是我的重心!

还记得,妈妈曾训过我"为什么每次都是你找你的朋友?" 当时我还觉得她是不想给我出去。多年以后,回想起这句话,自己会讥笑自己,对啊,为什么很多时候都是自己主动?尽管我已告诉自己别做主动的那个,可是故事还是一样,我还是主动方。

到了大学,一位学姐在偶然的情况下,劝了我一句话"你生命中有多少的人?在这一刻,你认识了我,视我为知己;多年以后,大家各分东西,可能坐在你身边和你谈心的未必是我" 可能我钝,这句话我一直到最近才体会。



Thursday 19 December 2013

#3 Christmas Tree

Last night was the amazing night! 

I've taken part in setting up a 18 feet Christmas tree for AIA Kuala Lumpur. Wow! 18 feet!! My first time, of course! 

It's not easy to setting it up. We have 5 ladies and 3 men in total to set up the Christmas tree at first. However, we are still not enough manpower cause it needs a lot of strength to lifting it up. Luckily there were some other guys who are setting up for the event came and help, else, I think until the next morning we still stuck there. 

The 18 feet Christmas tree divided into 4 sections. Which is as below:

First, we have to fixed all the leaves with screws so that it can hold and not moving. Then, we need to open up all the leaves to make it look full. Then we hang up the decorations (the garland and the gold color poinsettia) before we join all the 4 sections together. Besides, we still have to hang up the lights around the Christmas tree before the men can join the tree together. 

Now, the joining part is the hardest part, as we still don't have enough manpower even other guys already helped out. However, nothing can stop them. They are still able to join everything together at last (special thanks to bii, this is the best Christmas gift ever).

Here are some photos for the trees (without the light on yet):

Merry Xmas to everyone!! 

Wednesday 18 December 2013

#2 Learning New Language

All the while, I've told my bf that I want to learn Korean, French.... N other foreign language. But.... None of them were being learnt by me. 

Until yesterday, I've found a video in YouTube by sweetandtasty (who teaches korean language in vlog form). She is a crazy girl in her video. She got the explanation and role play in her video which helps me understand easily (and it make sense to me). 

Well, for those who wants to learn korean from basic, I think this video is quite nice.

Learn all the consonants and vowels before you learn other words and phrases. I think it is much more easier. Just like English, we first learn the 26 alphabets before we learn the words. So lay a good basis.

Hope I could sustain and really learn korean language this time!! 😇

Here's the things I've learnt: (I swear I didn't copy and paste, or look at note while typing this)

가 gah
나 Nah
다 Dah
라 Lah
마 Mah
바 Bah
사 Sah
아 (Silent consonant) Ah
자 Jah
차 Cha
카 Kah
타 Tah
파 Pah
하 Hah
ㄲ ggah
ㄸ Ddah
ㅃ Bbah
ㅉ Jjah
ㅆ Ssah

Hope it will success this time!! 💪Fighting !!

Monday 16 December 2013

#1 The New beginning

Start my Blog with this Beautiful Korean Song by BADA and Gil (Leessang):
就用这首唯美又好听的歌曲 - BADA & Gil(Leessang) 开始我的博客:

Na man bu lei su yi ne nu lei

Nei tu nu nen no lei pa la bu dei ka jiang bi qi na gou 
눈은 너를 바라볼때 가장 빛이 나고
我的双眼 在望着你时才最为闪耀

Nei ma mun no lei sing ga ka dei hang sa hing bu kei~
마음은 너를 생각할 항상 행복해
我的心 在想着你时才最为幸福

Nei mou den gei ku lou kei no ma nu wi han gou ya
모든게 그렇게 너만을 위한거야
我的一切 就这样只为你一个人 

Hang sang nei giu tei ma yi dei lou yi sou qiu lei
항상 곁에만 이대로 있어줄래
你能不能 像现在这样一直陪伴在我身边 

Na lu wi hei ma nun gou sun hei jiu su oup da hai dou~ 
나를 위해 많은 것을 해줄 없다해도
就算你无法 给予我太多

Kou jiu ma na hang sang nou ma nen mi the miou sa la ga tei ni ga o nui sa la
걱정마 항상 너만을 믿으며 살아갈테니까 oh 사랑
不要担心 我会一直坚信着你 这样活下去 我的爱

Na man bu lei su yi ne nou lei nou lu wei hai sa la ai nou lei
나만 부를 있는 노래 너를 위한 사랑의 노래
这首只有我能唱的歌 为你而唱的爱之歌

Na yi mu den gou nai gai qiu kei
나의 모든 네게 줄게

Qxi gen mi dei lou na sa lang ai qiu miou tuei~ 
지금 이대로 사랑해 주면

Nei ha lu nun nou lun ma nang dei lun hang sa ki da li gou 
하루는 너를 만날때를 항상 기다리고
我的每天 总在期待着和你相见

Nei tu sou nun ni ga qia ba jv gei hang sa ki da li gou 
손은 니가 잡아주길 항상 기다리고
我的双手 总在等待着能被你牵

Nei mu dun gei ku lou kei nou ma nu wi han gou ya
모든게 그렇게 너만을 위한거야
我的一切 就这样只为你一个